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Guestbook Archives: Jan -- Jun 1997 |
This is a really nice place! I like it alot!!!!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!
~ Christine Noble
~ Sherwood Park, Alberta Canada
~ Thursday, June 19, 1997 at 19:50:32 (EDT)
Bryan- Great site! I'm so glad that I happened upon this page. I began studying astrology on my own a year ago. Now that the Kepler College will be opening an astrology program soon, I'm excited. I've had my chart read, and maybe one day I'll become a professional astrologists. I already read the cards. I will pass on the website to some friends. Look up to the sky, there are so many answers there...then again maybe its that Pisces Sun sign coming out of me as always...Thank you for the great job.
~ Monika
~ Hyattsville, MD USA
~ Thursday, June 19, 1997 at 14:05:54 (EDT)
'Though astrology isn't central in my life, I'm returning to a place of recognizing it's revelance and am concerned with bridging the gaps (or barriers) which exist between astrology and quintessential christianity. Likewise between science and astrology.
I'd be interested in hearing from someone conversant in these areas or with information about GOOD books on these subjects. Thanx.
~ Patrick Murphy
~ Spring, Texas USA
~ Tuesday, June 10, 1997 at 00:26:44 (EDT)
Saw you add in TMA and just had to visit. Wonderful site. I'll return from time to time to see what's new. Feel free to stop by the Cottage for tea and gingerbread.
Blessings, Morgan at Laughing Crone Cottage
~ Morgan Wildrose
~ California USA
~ Thursday, June 05, 1997 at 22:19:39 (EDT)
What a terrific site! It's great to see this kind of sharing going on. I've been a professional astrologer since 1979, and having all this information at our fingertips is truly a gift, especailly for students. We have a new web-site too, and will surely add your LINK to it. We are The Aquarian Zone at: http://www.aye.net/~gonzo/sandy.htm
Thanks for all your continued efforts. - Sandy Hughes
~ Sandy Hughes
~ Surrey,, BC Canada
~ Wednesday, June 04, 1997 at 06:42:09 (EDT)
nice page and usefull.what do you think legalizin Marihuona? you dont have to think enything!thanks.
~ Markku
~ -, - Finland
~ Thursday, May 22, 1997 at 06:29:18 (EDT)
Glad to find you!!! I'm looking forward to finding out more about you.
All the Best
~ Templl Caulder
~ Richmond, Virginia USA
~ Sunday, May 18, 1997 at 17:24:04 (EDT)
The Greatest spot. I'll always return!
~ Mary
~ St. Louis, MO USA
~ Monday, May 12, 1997 at 15:17:36 (EDT)
I Love,and I mean LOVE your site!The only thing about it is, well,you see, I'm a Taures and thier is not a thing about it in your eighth house. I think you should put more info in it, but other than that, keep up the good work!!!
~ Blaise Fisher
~ Halifax, Nova scoita Hammonds Plains
~ Sunday, May 11, 1997 at 11:01:43 (EDT)
Gavin you move me.
~ Thea
~ Ca Somewhere Over the Rainbow!
~ Thursday, May 08, 1997 at 04:16:58 (EDT)
To visit in the houses of the stars is truly an enlightening experience, thank you for your gift of knowledge.
~ Thea
~ Alta Loma, CA USA
~ Thursday, May 08, 1997 at 04:06:24 (EDT)
Love this site---I love the age of aquaris song. My kids think its pretty cool-----
~ Falling Leaves
~ buffalo, ny usa
~ Friday, May 02, 1997 at 12:46:04 (EDT)
Great website, I've been around the web in this kind of stuff but never found this site before now. I used the "metacrawler" so I'm sure that had a hand in it. Anways, great page, keep up the good work...
~ Eala
~ Edmonton, Alberta Canada
~ Wednesday, April 23, 1997 at 10:50:26 (EDT)
This is an awesome site!
~ Caitlin
~ Goffstown, New Haampshire USA
~ Sunday, April 20, 1997 at 13:30:22 (EDT)
I think that you should write what dates are in what houses. Thank you for your time.
~ Lyncee
~ Richfield, Minnesota USA
~ Wednesday, April 16, 1997 at 16:54:04 (EDT)
Greetings. Up late researching mundane astrology- there's not enough out there. Maybe there is but I havent found it yet. Good sight and good info. MT a scorpio state, Missoula a pisces town. Bright moon on a clear night. Moon's dark side and beautiful stars. Planets like corks on the waves of the cosmos. Here in Berkeley, I share your page. Thanks.
~ Gavin
~ Missoula, MT Usa
~ Wednesday, April 16, 1997 at 02:27:07 (EDT)
I'm still fairly new to the net, but I've found various horoscopes fairly quickly! This is one that will go on my Favorites list. Thanks! I do suggest however,--since I've haven't found any yet--that a page for BIRTHDAY horoscopes might be cool! I looked all over the web and couldn't find a horoscope that was a "If your birthday is today..." horoscope!
Also, I'd like to know more about the Earth signs...for instance, is Fire compatible with fire? Or only Earth and Air?
~ B. Senne
~ Bloomfield, New Mexico USA
~ Sunday, April 13, 1997 at 00:12:52 (EDT)
I found very important things. Thank you for your time and effort.
Be happy
~ Rosa Valdez
~ Monterrey, N.L. Mexico
~ Saturday, April 12, 1997 at 23:21:38 (EDT)
I'm a libra and I'd like to know more about my sign. this is a great web site. keep it up!
~ Krissy
~ Texas usa
~ Saturday, April 12, 1997 at 17:35:31 (EDT)
Lovely page... would so love to chat with you all. I'm new to your site so am still exploring. Anything you have to say, I'd love to hear. Take care, Gadey
~ Gadey
~ Portland, Maine USA
~ Thursday, April 10, 1997 at 21:04:45 (EDT)
Hi everybody & Bryan & co. of the Aquarian Age coming with Peace, Love, and true Friendship -- the key word! Hale-Bopp was so significant tonight heading towards Pleiades with their "sweet influences" (Job 38:31), and towards Gemini, the sign of Egypt and ascendant sign of the USA, and the beautiful crescent new moon in Taurus, sign of Israel, Iran & Iraq! So expect these nations to be very closely involved for better and worse! But there shall be Peace with the Prince of Peace in your Heart. So fear not, Love will comfort you, "When Peace shall guide the Planets, and Love will steer the Stars! This is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius"! (Song lyrics) I love you, J.
~ J. Curtis
~ Atascadero, California USA
~ Thursday, April 10, 1997 at 03:38:46 (EDT)
Hello Bryan:
I must say that this is one of the most beautiful sites I have come across. Being an Aquarian myself, it makes me proud. I hope I can have a site so beautiful. I have a company called EARTHEART. It is based upon the coincidence that the most important element outside of us, our EARTH, and the most important element inside of us, our HEART, are two words with identical spelling. I have uncovered many more deep and mysterious insights. There certainly is more going on than meets the eye. I welcome E-mail. I am writing my web pages but I am not nearly as talented as you seem to be. If you can offer any sugestions on how I can create an equally beautiful site please do so. Eartheart has much beauty to express and I am looking forward to getting on the net. Thank you. Peace. Charles A. Lallo Jr.
~ Charles A. Lallo Jr.
~ Westwood, NJ USA
~ Friday, March 28, 1997 at 19:58:25 (EST)
This is a great site, I've learned tons! Keep it up!
~ Rob
~ Illinois Somewhere Over the Rainbow!
~ Thursday, March 27, 1997 at 01:01:07 (EST)
With the comet in the skies, as well as the lunar eclipse,I have felt a "shift" of energy and it is all positive, and optimistic. I realized that I've been taking it all too seriously and that the comet coming into full view after over 4,000 years reminds me that I am only here for a short while. The comet's appearance has influenced my thinking to be positive and loving to myself hence to others, and that my time here on earth, is well, very very temporary.... so living in the present moment and making the best of what we have - and keeping things simple is the key for me..
~ Ana Medeiros
~ Burlingame, CA USA
~ Monday, March 24, 1997 at 18:03:47 (EST)
I am currently attending one of the most conservative colleges in the country. It's an engineering college and I find that not a lot of people here are interested in astrology. I have influenced a few of them to take it more seriously. One of my own thoughts on astrology is that it is based on a force that we have not yet to be able to scientifically define. Gravity acts on all things in the universe and it is a force. It was only scientifically defined recently in terms of how long humans have existed by Newton and Galileo. It may just be a force we are yet to discover. In case if any of you were wondering I am indeed a Pisces with a strong # 7 influence in numerology. Birthdata: February 25, 1978 37.5 N 87.35 W.
~ Terre Haute, Indiana Somewhere Over the Rainbow!
~ Sunday, March 23, 1997 at 16:44:17 (EST)
i appreciate the care in your expression when u write about astrology. sounds like mythical yet down-to-earth comments.
~ sharon tay
~ singapore, singapore singapore
~ Sunday, March 23, 1997 at 00:09:48 (EST)
WOULD SOMEONE LIKE TO EXPLAIN THE FORCE OF PLUTO,ESP. in my 6th 26Scor39, as it tranforms my health, work, service, and God knows what else? Before it reaches my 7th House at 26Sag39? Thanks! Pluto will still be in my 6th House past the year 2000!
~ J. Curtis
~ Atascadero, California USA
~ Sunday, March 16, 1997 at 01:44:20 (EST)
Note: For all perfect interpretations of the powers of the Heavens: start with the very brightest, most loving light & warmth of the BRIGHT & MORNING STAR (see Revelation 22:16), and all the other stars, planets, angles, aspects, and points of interest in your charts will take on the most profound meaning with the greatest illumination beyond your wildest imaginations with Love form the the Highest Love & Greatest Light Himself --- JESUS! I love you! J.
~ J. Curtis
~ Atascadero, California USA
~ Sunday, March 16, 1997 at 01:06:00 (EST)
~ Friday, March 14, 1997 at 12:27:23 (EST)
Light is what matters!!!!!
~ Maria Gatti
~ Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brasil
~ Friday, March 14, 1997 at 00:49:59 (EST)
i love astrology and will tell everyone about this site!!
~ memm
~ Somewhere Over the Rainbow!
~ Wednesday, March 12, 1997 at 06:51:54 (EST)
Any information about the Aquarian Age, I would greatly apprecitate...please e-mail me at comcgra2@vt.edu.
~ CJ
~ Blacksburg, VA US
~ Monday, March 10, 1997 at 12:47:31 (EST)
Well, DUKE de Faria e-mailed me tha the total solar eclipse would help me shine in the world, and there was a technical contradiction that led to repeating my entry six times! What a celebration of my 50th birthday! I believe that TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE on my own Sun really packed a punch and you can see it here below! Wow! I love you all with the Greatest Love in the Universe! He is Jesus!!!The Bright & Morning Star (Revelation 22:16 and 2:28) Wow!!!
~ J. Curtis
~ Atascadero, California USA
~ Sunday, March 09, 1997 at 21:10:38 (EST)
AGAIN, Duke DeFaria of Canada, Thank you for your imput on the Guestbook about the influence of the 3/8/97 total solar eclipse on my 18 degree Pisces sun! Just saw your message today on my 50th golden birthday, March 9, with solar return yesterday, Saturday, 3/8/97, 11:06am PST, AND THEN THE TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE SUN over 6 hours later over eastern Russia and northern China, at 5:16pm PST! I just saw it on the Sunday evening NBC news-spectacular! May the Force of Eternal positive Love in Jesus be with you & all!
~ J. Curtis
~ Atascadero, California USA
~ Sunday, March 09, 1997 at 20:32:57 (EST)
Attn: Dean Williams:
Were you born in 1961?
That combination occurs from time to time. Your Libra Sun craves a relationship, always. Unfortunately, all the Scorpion has made you have incredably intense relationships. I hope you did not give the other too much control, or was it you. Whatever the relationship, their main focus was to provide you with a vehicle for transformation. Once you have transformed, as you get older and w i s e r, you will find your most gratifying... Will say though, you might of blown it with an early relationship that you still hold on to.
~ Astro Jetson
~ Starry Seven, Pleiades
~ Sunday, March 09, 1997 at 12:41:21 (EST)
Can someone help me figure out how a scorpio moon, Venus, Mars, and Neptune figures into a Libra male sign?
~ Dean Williams
~ Overland Park, Kansas US
~ Saturday, March 08, 1997 at 23:08:48 (EST)
Hey, this is fun. Thanks.
~ Kathy Patterson
~ Cleveland, OH usa
~ Thursday, March 06, 1997 at 21:59:02 (EST)
Hello and hello again!!!!!!! => I just want to say that this page makes me even stronger in my faith, on Jesus Christ!!!!!!!!!!!!! Say hello to my granny, ok!! See you....
~ Andreas Granlund
~ Trysil, Hedmark NORWAY
~ Thursday, March 06, 1997 at 09:35:38 (EST)
First. It's nice to know that there is someone out there that has the same name as myself. Secondly you spell it the same way as well. Welcome to the clan of the Marissa's. There's not many of us around.
~ Marissa Priestley
~ Wagga Wagga, NSW AUSTRALIA
~ Wednesday, March 05, 1997 at 17:48:22 (EST)
~ marissa
~ ex hacienda coapa, mexico
~ Wednesday, March 05, 1997 at 12:48:37 (EST)
Is there anyone else out here in East Texas --"Bible Belt Central"-- who is of a more progressive turn of mind? If I mention that I'm an astrologer/intuitive here, I'm met by threats of Hellfire. Please assure me that I'm not alone. Thanx!
~ Holly SilverFir
~ Gilmer, TX USA
~ Tuesday, March 04, 1997 at 16:15:54 (EST)
Attention: J. Curtis:
This next Solar Eclipse is an important one for you... Depending on who you are and the confidence expressed out in the world... Without looking at the rest of your chart, this Eclipse in Pisces will redefine who you are in the world, or possibily set you off on a personal introspection of yourself. The eclipse magnifies and reactivates that area in your chart, sign, house and aspect. Most of the time, this eclipse brings on a time to shine in the world....Look back some 17- 18 years ago and find out the last time this eclipse occured, and find out what happened, you are now in another octave this time.
~ Duke DeFaria
~ Mississauga, ON Canada
~ Sunday, March 02, 1997 at 22:34:07 (EST)
This could be a very good place to share lots of astrological & other related info! Could anyone let me know about the meanings of the TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE on the day of my solar return CONJOINING 18 DEGREES 15' OF MY PISCES SUN within 16' at 5:16 pm PST, SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 1997! THANK YOU SO MUCH! My the Force of Perfect Love touch you deeply! Love, J. Curtis
~ J. Curtis
~ Atascadero, California USA
~ Sunday, March 02, 1997 at 02:59:08 (EST)
Dear Pretty Lady of Philadelphia,
Hi. I was born in Phil. LOVE is what the AQUARIAN AGE is all about: "then peace will guide the planets, and LOVE will steer the stars" (song lyrics from "The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius" It will be all One big Family on earth will real brotherhood, real LOVE for one another. I love you, Pretty Lady for the 1,000 years of the Millenium & forever in Jesus and David!
~ J. Curtis
~ Atascadeo, California USA
~ Thursday, February 27, 1997 at 13:21:45 (EST)
I am an aquarian, and I would like to know more about my sign. I would also like help in finding my sun rising sign.
~ Tabitha
~ St. Louis, Mo USA
~ Wednesday, February 26, 1997 at 23:10:46 (EST)
Dear Ones in the Golden Age of the Water bearer, David, the Aquarian of Aquarians,
Greetings from the Golden Pyramid City in Space! David sends his love, his Water of Life! I was just flying through & landed on your Aquarian web site. The 8th House reading was very good for me as I have natal Venus there, and so many Planets, the sun and the moon transited my Aquarian Venus this month of February, very special for me at 49 years old, born March 9, 1947! A total solar eclipse of my 18 degree Pisces sun occurs on my solar return date 3/8/97! Any thots on this?!! Thank you! May you fly freely in your dreams to your heart's desires! The Force of Perfect Love be with you! Love, Joseph David, "The Aquarian Flying Carpet Weaving"
~ Joseph David
~ Atascadero, California USA
~ Wednesday, February 26, 1997 at 02:04:16 (EST)
This is really what I spected to see when i did click on my mouse, I am an Aquarian of born, this things always have been my drug, regards pals.
~ Pablo Morales Ayala
~ Silao, Guanajuato México
~ Tuesday, February 25, 1997 at 20:01:14 (EST)
What a great site! I'm a Pices and would like to learn more about my past, present and future, could anyone help? EDEN FOREVER
~ Kelly
~ Ottawa, Ontario Canada
~ Tuesday, February 25, 1997 at 10:45:07 (EST)
Excellent site! I'd like to know where I can get more infor about the dawning of the age of Aquarius, either book that are published in the UK or web sites etc. Anyone got any ideas?? Blessed be!
~ Sarah Depper
~ Wokingham, Berks England
~ Tuesday, February 25, 1997 at 07:19:24 (EST)
This is a great site, I've added it to my favorites, I also have a web site http://www.gifts-r-us.com check it out, would you object to me adding a link to your page on my site. I would love to share this site with others. I have a little knowledge of Astrology, Tarot, and the like. I believe in Angels and Miracles, for I am both. I am ever searching, with an open mind hoping to find my purpose, and to make it so. Blessed be you and me.
~ Ruth Miller
~ Lakeland, FL USA
~ Thursday, February 20, 1997 at 15:02:59 (EST)
Your page is wonderful!!!!!!!!! Just one thing though, we need to get the word out about the spiritual awakening that is taking place. I am a professional psychic, so many people are coming to me with so many question and wondering what is going on in there own lives and the world as the age comes into full bloom. The age is here, but we must let everyone know how to let it progress in us so the changes to take place will be more bearable. Remember the old saying: no pain no gain........
~ Terry Rodgers
~ Grove City, PA US
~ Tuesday, February 18, 1997 at 18:13:09 (EST)
I love it when your right!!!! Did you know my parents are a suprising match? I always thought so, but I have never received such interesting confirmation of their eminently suited natures (he-cancer, she-pisces). It is a joy. LD
~ Lady dragon
~ Caldwell, Idaho USA
~ Tuesday, February 18, 1997 at 12:04:09 (EST)
If you don't know who you are right now, I will tell you. You are everything. The bees, trees, ocean and seas.
~ Derrick Hendrix
~ phoenix, AZ usa
~ Saturday, February 15, 1997 at 05:29:46 (EST)
Astrology is fascinating, wouldn,t you agree ?! Will anybody send me some info about any good astrology books - thanks!
~ Erin L. Clements
~ Springfield, Vermont USA
~ Thursday, February 13, 1997 at 10:25:50 (EST)
Really Good Site!. My Morning at office starts with this Site. I really enjoy visiting your site.
~ Mohd. Masroor Jawaid
~ Delhi, Delhi India
~ Tuesday, February 11, 1997 at 03:33:05 (EST)
I just stop by. you see my birthday is 2-11-38
~ Robert Leuthart
~ Warsaw, MO. USA
~ Saturday, February 08, 1997 at 12:18:33 (EST)
I didn't realize that there were such helpful sites available. Thanks for helping me on my search to be not empty and lost in a crooked, anti-nature society.
~ Luke Yznaga
~ Herndon, VA USA
~ Saturday, February 08, 1997 at 09:56:28 (EST)
I am just leaning my way around the internet, could some tell me what the Aquarian Age is about. Would appreciate some information. Thanks for listening. Looking forward to visiting again.
~ Pretty Lady
~ Philadelphia, PA United States
~ Friday, February 07, 1997 at 16:38:20 (EST)
Very enlightening. Appreciated learning all this in an intellectual rather than hokey format.
~ M Herring
~ Thursday, February 06, 1997 at 18:34:16 (EST)
Interesting Site!
~ Will Smith
~ Ottawa, Canada
~ Thursday, February 06, 1997 at 13:33:34 (EST)
A great site! Thought provoking and insightful. One of the better astrological sites.
~ Duke Defaria
~ Toronto, ON Canada
~ Wednesday, February 05, 1997 at 20:12:54 (EST)
Wonderful idea!! Anyone with comments on the "official" entry into the Aquarian Age as of this February?
~ Basia
~ Wayne, NJ USA
~ Tuesday, January 28, 1997 at 09:14:56 (EST)
Is there any wicthes out there that would like to teach me wicca? also is there any one who gould teach an aqurias how to read the stars?
~ St.Pete, Florida United States
~ Thursday, January 23, 1997 at 12:18:23 (EST)
What a beautiful page! Is there anyone out there willing to teach a Sag. how to make Astrological charts, and read the stars? It will be for my own personal use only, not for profit. Blessed Be!
~ Morgaine
~ NewOrleans, LA U.S.A.
~ Wednesday, January 22, 1997 at 17:39:19 (EST)
Thank you for this wonderful site-connection with our path. Please continue to assist us to grow ever more In-Light-in-ed.
~ Elizabeth Windsor Scott
~ Jacksonville, IL US
~ Thursday, January 16, 1997 at 09:36:17 (EST)
i hope that everyone with a free soul and a clear mind will take the time to read your wonderful pages
~ katie
~ Virginia United States
~ Tuesday, January 14, 1997 at 20:09:56 (EST)
Hi! Is there any fellow witches out there who wish to chat about wicca? Blessed Be
~ Shannan Kemp
~ Karana Downs, Queensland Australia
~ Tuesday, January 14, 1997 at 19:25:10 (EST)
Hi to anyone with an open mind out there.
~ Tye Shepherd
~ Mt Crosby, Queensland Australia
~ Tuesday, January 14, 1997 at 19:23:12 (EST)
You even managed to bewitch a European with your universal message. Interesting and beautiful pages. Keep up the good work!
~ Sabrina Vredenberg
~ Utrecht, Utrecht The Netherlands
~ Monday, January 13, 1997 at 15:54:42 (EST)
Very cool, Very cool indeed. Are You guys planning to add an astrology shareware section? Would be nice.
~ Jim
~ Austin, Texas USA
~ Monday, January 13, 1997 at 02:57:03 (EST)
Go to it people! :-)
~ Bryan Trussler
~ Canada
~ Friday, January 10, 1997 at 04:03:15 (EST)
Once again and yet again. Ei Ukhnem .... :-)
~ Bryan Trussler
~ Somewhere Over the Rainbow!
~ Friday, January 10, 1997 at 04:00:56 (EST)
Hello! I'm the Webmaster of this site. And I'm trying out this new Guestbook I've set up.
~ Bryan Trussler
~ Kitchener, Ontario Canada
~ Friday, January 10, 1997 at 03:51:29 (EST)
- Back to AquarianAge
- Guestbook Script from Matt's Script Archive.