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Fifth House: Leo the Lion

The Fifth House is the house of speculation. Speculation on the physical plane means taking risks and this calls to mind the Leonine characteristics of bravery and courage, heroism and daring. Speculation of resources makes this the house of gambling. Here we find social mixing, social mischief and fun & games -- the "Happy Hour" belongs here, along with the Blackjack table and the Roulette wheel. Speculation on the emotional plane makes this the house of romantic love. It is the house both of couples and of the desire to make a couple, though not of the act of coupling itself (that belongs in the Eighth House). But it *can* be the house of "wild oats" because it is also the house of children. Children from the father's point of view are an expression of hope in the future and the hope of a legacy. It is the house of creation and procreation and the desire to express oneself in offspring, in children of the mind and the body. Intellectual speculation is the throwing forth of new ideas and of expressions of these ideas, whether physical, literary or otherwise. This is where the womb of creative desire meets the reality of the outer world.

Here we find the world-famous AquarianAge Romance area, plus our growing collection of astrology jokes. Contributions of new material and new insights all very welcome. Just drop us an e-mail.

Our unique contribution to Internet astrology and our most ambitious project to date. This area alone contains close to one thousand individual files. Most of it is now hooked up! We are actively seeking further submissions of ideas for this area.

[]Zodiac Jigsaw Puzzles
Beautiful jigsaw puzzles cut from paintings created around the major themes and symbols and emblems of each Zodiac sign.

[]Astrology Jokes
Always funny, sometimes vulgar but usually insightful, we are delighted to present the lighter side of astrology.